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       CORESE has successfully provided maritime security solutions to the industry since 2015. We were not founded as a maritime security company but continue to lead in our innovation of a wide range of maritime security services. Our global footprint, partnerships and longstanding within the industry best places us to support clients through the  Indian Ocean and High-Risk Areas of GOA.

      We pay particular attention to the quality of a carefully selected pool of specialist consultants, all of whom are fully trained and qualified with significant experience of providing maritime security services, MSCHOA registration and Risk Assessment services.

MSCHOA Registration

     We can Register your Good Vessel to the MSCHOA Registration system and Monitor it from the entrance point to the exit point.

     In this Scope, We always in contact with your vessel and arrange all necessary reports together with your Master.

     Necessary Convoy arrangements, IRTC Corridor Entrance and Exit points closely monitored by our site team and always contact with you Master.



  Our experienced local staff will take direct care of your inquiry and needs on-site with suitable reporting.



Security Escort

     We provide SEVs, with armed guards onboard, in each of the three main piracy areas globally. However, West Africa, and in particular Nigeria, is where we provide this service most frequently.


   Each of our SEVs are deployed in compliance with state requirements, with a team of Local Naval Armed Guards and a Liaison Officer. We have excellent local relationships and suppliers, who work hard to guarantee our performance and quality levels, and our experienced team of Operations Managers based in Nigeria personally sea-trial every vessel before deployment to ensure it can perform as necessary.


   All security escort services fully comply with the individual state requirements and can be deployed anywhere in the world. Set to maintain the highest level of standards and client satisfaction Corese strives to always offer.


Arm Guard Services

   We Provide armed guards to commercial vessels transiting the high-risk areas (HRA) of the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea.


   We are proud to be a long-standing supplier of armed maritime security to the commercial shipping industry. We are able to provide professional, qualified, vetted and reliable armed guard support through all HRA embarkation locations. Our high volume of transits allows us to provide competitively priced services with availability at all embarkation locations. We can support the vast majority of Flags and we will assist our client with the flag state approval application. Transit security has been part of our service offering since incorporation and Castor Vali continues to be one of the leading security providers in the industry. As such our experience provides clients with an affordable but assured high-quality service, meeting all international and designated flag state requirements.

    Corese is also able to provide essential vessel assessments and bespoke preparation before operations in high-risk areas in accordance with best management practices.  

Risk Assessment Consultancy

     In essence, this is the core of the services we provide. Understanding and formulating an in-depth and exhaustive risk profile for each project is the start of every tasking.


   Corese prides itself in leading the field in identifying, tracking and adapting to the fast-moving political and cultural environments in which our clients operate.


   Effective risk management is based on research and a deep understanding of the client’s area of operation. This is a constant process of intelligence gathering, analysis, conclusions and recommendations and reporting back to clients.

Vessel Hardening

   We Provide essential vessel assessments and bespoke preparation before operations in high-risk areas in accordance with best management practices.


   Applying our vast experience in hardening, Coresei follows best management practices and uses a pragmatic approach to ensure a vessel can both operate and maintain a strong security stance. Before any physical visit, we conduct a detailed study of any previous fabrications and the vessel specification and general arrangement, to ensure a thorough assessment is made. The application follows the principles of Deter-Detect-Delay-Deny and on completion, a detailed vulnerability assessment is produced highlighting all issues and their mitigation.


   Meeting vessels worldwide, Corese has years of experience in hardening all types and classes of vessels.

Security Escort

   Corese provides cost-effective security solutions for commercial vessels, cruise liners and mega yachts, during their transits in West African waters.


   Our extensive operational and logistical set up in the region is unique and differs from other international security firms that operate in the area as we hold a direct MOU with the Nigerian Navy and work with our own security patrol boats. These two factors give us the ability to deliver the service according to our high standard and not be just middlemen between our clients and the local providers.


   Our extensive operational and logistical set up in the region consists of a regional operation office that manages and controls our security teams and patrol boats which are regularly deployed on very short notice from more than 12 hubs in key West African seaports.

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