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Delivery Voyages
Marine Warranty Surveys
Semi-Submersible Vessel Operations

Delivery Voyage Service Desk is serving to ship operators, completing around 100 in the past. Many Investors have no specific department in their system and Existing Department has no enough experience for this process. 


  • Especially before the voyage, many problems occur and project delivery dates get delayed. It is caused to financial and Reputational Loss.

  • The Buyer/Seller or Operator can issue financial Claims from the Investors and this unfamiliarity has caused to huge contractual problems.

  • We support to investors for this purpose. All the charter parties/agreements/contracts assessed carefully and Delivery Voyage Plan prepared for Investors as much as efficiently. Extra explanations and sample wordings/cases will add to Voyage instructions. Thus we try to avoid any unforeseen voyage expenses.

Marine Warranty Desk is serving to ship operators, completing around 100 in the past.


  • Many of the Shipowners haven't got Legal Department in their Office. Also, their Operation department does not fully aware of English law and Arbitration regulations.

  • Especially small claims (under USD 30.000) are not chasing by shipowners due to legal consultancy and arbitration expenses.

  • The Marine Warranty Surveyors are working on an hourly basis. It means any ”MWS advice”  (not for real action process) from them is a minimum of GBP 5.000.

  • In Generally, the main problem is the preparedness of the supportive documents and information that serve insurers and Its Brokers for the right advice. The other problem is mentioned case can not assess together with any Marine Warranty Survey point of view.

  • We support shipowners for this purpose. All the MWS preparation assessed carefully and “Marine Warranty Action Plan” prepared for Shipowners.

  • Extra explanations and sample wordings/cases, sea fastening calculations add to “Marine Warranty Action Plan”. Thus we protect shipowners from any unforeseen Marine Warranty Survey expenses.

  • Many of the Investors haven't got a special  Department in their Office. Also, their Operation/Technical department do not fully aware of common purchasing, finance, and submersible operation practices.


  • Especially Heavy-Con Clauses of the Sem-Submersible Operations are so dangerous for Investors and their actual budgets.                  

  • In Generally, the main problem is which operation should be performed before loading, during sea voyage and before discharging operation.

  • Mentioned Marine superintendent’s main idea is to solve the problem quickly. The Superintendents can not assess the operation a problem-solving basis and financial point of view.

  • We support Investors for these purposes. All these submersible operations assessed carefully and Necessary whole submersible operations assessment forms prepared for Investors approval and operation is performing by our personnel after Investor' approval.

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